Hey there, freelancers, internet influencers, and job seekers! Damn serious about your professional life? Wanna hook your desired company or audience at first sight?  Not many people care about the importance of selecting the right font for their projects. A …

Writing A Resume? Top 20 Resume Fonts For You In 2022! Read more »

Why does your blog article need fonts for banner design? The content of a website covers 70% of any page while the banner image just takes up 5% of the space. Still, the impact of a banner is more than …

10 Blockbuster Fonts For Your Banner Design Read more »

Today’s digital landscape has allowed people to become more aware of typography. Graphic design is used to showcase brands in a visually-engaging way. As such, the design needs to be reader-friendly. This makes typography critical to any type of design. …

Harnessing the Art of Typography in Graphic Design Read more »